Saturday, October 2, 2010

money money money everywhere.

have you ever come accross those people who dont care too much about those people who don't really care about their money apparently it comes to them easy and they have no regard for it. i think the most important lesson my parents have taught me besides being good mannered is the value of money and how not to waste it but to use it to the fullest. i'm not cheap with my money but i still do the best with what i have and will have in the future. being a college student and commuting doesn't help money issues right now but i still i try to save and not be so shallow. for example their are others around my age group who have parents with professional careers and get money from them all the time, and dont have any sympathy when spending it on the most ridiculous stuff.
on the other hand one should bot be so cheap that they never spend money on anything or even any body else. the piont is to be not wasteful or be too stingy because both extremes don't get you anywhere. find an even balance and to keep myself in check i always think do i really need this right before i buy it and if i can answers yes then nothing stops me from buying it.

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