Monday, October 4, 2010

Totally immersive room future room brainstorming

AS part of our second assignment we were ask to create a futuristic room of our choice. In class some cool ideas were thrown out there like projections on the walls and floors. Yeah thats pretty cool but for my room id like to expand upon those possibilities. The theme for my room will be video games and the room itself will be the ultimate fully immersive gaming environment. Not only will the game's environment be projected onto all surfaces of the room, walls, floor, ceiling, but the the floor itself will contain motion sensors that track and interact with the movements of the gamer. Instead of boring conventional controllers, gamers will be equipped with full motion sensor-suit that again tracks the gamer's movement but also allows the user to feel what the character in the game is feeling. The next part of the suit will be a 3-D vision helmet with headphone/microphone that allows the player to see and hear what the the character sees and takes the flat dimensions of projected walls and brings them to life with 3 dimensional holograms. WHen everything is combined, you the gamer, become one with the video game character. For shooter games, a laser guided "gun" controller can be used for the in-game weapon. This room is not only limited to games though, it could integrate google maps and and use futuristic satellite imaging to bring the ultimate travel experience to those who either cant afford to visit foreign places or those who cannot physically travel far from home. Imagine going on a totally immersive, interactive African safari or climing Mt Everest all from the comfort of you home.... Would definitely be cool if something like this were to exist, hopefully one day it will. Now for the fun part, designing it in Sketchup.... lets get to work.

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