Sunday, October 17, 2010

21 Posts in and I dont know what to write

I am 21 posts into this blog and I don't know what to write. So I guess I will just talk about me. Anyway um, well I have a chem test this week. It doesnt seem like it'll be too bad. Atleast I hope it wont be too bad. I think I did ok on the test for this class. Not really sure tho. I wrote alot but missed a few parts of the questions. But I probably answered them in some form or another in another one of my answers. Hmm what else. Well next week I am going to a videogame tournament. Its for this video game called super smash bros brawl. They are holding it at play n trade in plainview if anyone is interested. Anyways, I got first last tournament and second the one before that. So I am probably gonna do pretty well. Except I have gotten a little rusty since I been so busy with school. Hm what else?!?!? Uh well I baked a cake for the first time this weekend. There was nothing in the house to eat. But we had some unused cake materials. So I read the instructions and made a cake. It was pretty good if I may so myself. I actually finished the last slice of it this morning and I am a little bit sick of cake right now. Anyways, 4 more posts to go so yay. But anyways once I hit the 4 ill just be rushing for another 12-13 before the next quarter. I wonder who reads these things beside the prof. Maybe there is some creepy classmate who reads like all of em. That be pretty funny. Well, if your reading this then hello!!! Nice to meet you. Well gonna go study for that chem test so byesss.

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