Sunday, October 3, 2010

5 Suicides Within A Couple Weeks

I think I've drank more tea this weekend than the whole summer combined (and I drank a lot of iced tea during the summer). I really really hate being sick. To top it off sketch up is not listening to me so I'm having some issues with that. My mother is over nighting me monster sized bottles of NyQuil because this has to stop. My boyfriend got hell for getting me sick.

Anyway, I was on facebook a couple days ago and my friend had this story up ( That's just recent search but regardless, this is really sad. My boyfriend and I were watching Nancy Grace a couple days ago (because he's obsessed with her and needs an intervention) and one of the stories was about a ~9 month pregnant school nurse that was stabbed over 20 times. She was just 27. What's wrong with people?? Did they really not get enough love growing up. The school nurses' boyfriend or baby's father was also found dead. I believe the woman's mother lived next door and apparently shortly before she died she told her mother who did this. Parents are not supposed to see their children die or be the ones to bury them.

And for the guy from Rutgers... I really hope the people that posted the video get more than just "invasion of privacy." And I hope karma bites them in the ass but that's just me. But c'mon FIVE people have committed suicide during the past couple weeks because of sexual orientation issues. A 19 year old hung him self because "he was openly gay or thought to be gay." Are people really that bored that they feel the need to pick on people. That's damn sad. Maybe in their minds they think it's okay but if they were the ones being picked on I don't think they'd find it amusing.

I really think people should just leave other people alone. It's none of their business! no comment necessary! I'm angry and I think I have every right to be.

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