Sunday, October 3, 2010

Character Breakdown Pt.2

Marcellus & Benardo & Francisco- Hamlet's Ally. First Aid kits, arrows. Team 2
bomber. Grendes, Proximity bombs, sniper. Team 1
Players- There is a screen where you see actors acting the roles in Hamlet's play. You see two thrones with Claudius and Gertrude where Claudius always leaves angry. Should happen once Ohelia or Hamlet I dies.
Two Clowns- AI's steal weapons from both sides, replaces there weapons with skulls. One shot killed but always respawn after a bit. Team not good/bad AI
on horse, AI who shoots both sides with pistol. Team Bad AI
A Norweigen Captain- AI. Shoots both sides with pistol. Team Bad AI
English Ambassadors- first kit AI's can only disperse one. Teamed AIs have short life spanned Team 2
Ophelia & Gertrude-
can be chip installed. Ophelia- weapon is bomb vest, and confuse kiss (only last 5 sec). Gertrude- weapon is mace, dagger (only last 5 sec) Team 2
Ghost- leader of team 2. Stun gun, (stuns for 5 secs), chip destroyer, lightsaber. Team 2
Lords,Ladies, Officers, Sailors, Messengers, Attendants: Fight bad AI's. Team Good AI.
Soldiers- Fortinbras' minions. Weapon Pikes. Fight good AI's. Team Bad AI.

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