Sunday, October 17, 2010

the future?

why do we always have to think about the future or the past?why is it so incredibly hard to think about our current states of mind rather than thinking about what is coming next. like we get out of high school deciding what we want to be or do when we grow up and comming through undergraduate all we say to ourselves is what major should i choose that will get me somewhere. we are so immersed in the issues of the next minuite or hour or day and so on. why is it that we dont don't find rest and peace until we know what's next? if you look at our way of life we actually can't really plan anything because we dont know everything about everything and everyone. we plan things and then plans can be ruined.
for example in the most extreme case we do the best we can in everyday life and then what do you know the next thing starring you in the face is a black and lonely grave. you never know when the end may come and you may not be able to do anything else. we plan so much with what we are going to do everyday but you really never know when you might just fall over and die. there is examples everywhere of this like people who die in their sleep or car accidents and freak accidents. there's no garantee about anything so just be prepared to answer the lord for what you did and didnt do cause you never know.

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