Saturday, October 16, 2010

Harsh words

In class we discussed how common it is in society for people to use curse words so fragrantly. I would have to agree. It seems that we can't walk down the hallways of this campus without hearing someone curse at a friend over a cell phone conversation. On the Internet all the social networking sites are littered with F-bombs and blatant accusations of being gay. Now I'm not being naive I know we have talked to one another like this before the beginning of time but when did it become so acceptable in our every day conversations. That is the question. Language is a funny thing because it has so many different styles and subtleties. For instance, take how we speak to our grandmother to how we would speak to a best friend. Think of the words we whisper in our girlfriend/boyfriend's ear as opposed to what we would say to a judge while protesting a speeding ticket. Language not only is audible but highly expressive. Essentially we can have a full conversation without even saying a word. Body language is almost more expressive than spoken words. With that being said think of how great it would be if every word out of our mouth wasn't an F-bomb or any gesture wasn't intended to offend someone. I'll make an honest attempt to watch my language but I understand that there will be circumstances where a curse word will be used in anger.

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