Saturday, October 16, 2010

Work, Work...LIVE

As of lately I feel like my days consist of strictly work. Every waking hour I feel like I'm going through the routine motions in the work place. Don't worry, Don't worry, this blog isn't meant to be a sob story but rather one that is aimed to resolve this conundrum. Whenever I find myself in this situation I do everything in my power to break the monotony. Sure we have to work, working is the task that allows us to live our lives the way we want to. It gives us the finances to eat, play, and live. That doesn't mean it has to be the only thing we do. When I find myself bored I like to do small things to re-assure myself that I'm still sharp and not "on the assembly line". I like to hit the gym for an hour, take a drive on the beach, and take the girlfriend out for a quick lunch. These things help break the monotony and allow you to essentially de-frag all the nonsense that builds up in our minds. Those thoughts can become negative and very retro-active. I've come to realize that in an adult life it is all about having a balance. You need to have a balance between your work life, social life, and your life as an individual. It's imperative that you have all of these factors incorporated in your day to day or you will find yourself unhappy. Keep at it folks. If you feel like I have felt at times then I'm sure this obvious reminder will be of some use to you. Take Care.

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