Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Hate Claudius!

I wonder if Hamlet was ever stressed out in school like I am right now. At this point I have many exams coming up and I have to catch up with a lot of work that has been piling up. I feel like Hamlet but instead of trying to act on revenge I am trying to do well in my class but I kept making excuses and procrastinating and time is ticking. Now there is so much pressure on me and I am going crazy like Hamlet. It's crunch time and it's either do or die.

I feel like Claudius is my workload and I'm trying to chase him. But Ophelia (boyfriend), Gertrude (friends), and Laertes (Facebook) just keep distracting me and standing in my way. And Hamlet's father's ghost is like my conscious, telling me what I have to do and that is to get rid of Claudius or my workload in my case. I can't believe I am relating Hamlet to the stressed cause by my classes right now. But the relations between Hamlet and my life seem to flow out a lot more naturally and I feel like I understand it more because of that. I feel like I'm running on Hamlet's time and it's about to run out!

With all of that said, I think it's safe to say that I hate Claudius!

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