Sunday, October 17, 2010

Synchronous & Asynchronous

What's the difference between these two? Just from looking at them I can see that they are very different from each other from the prefix -a. From doing research I can see that synchronous is a lot more personal than asynchronous. While driving to school one morning, I listened to 106.1 BLI, and listened to the Randy, the really annoying guy, and the women talk about a very asynchronous situation. One of the person's friend said that they were pregnant through e-mail. Not only were they friends, they were best friends. The friend that was pregnant thought it was completely normal. As I was listening I thought about how weird it would be if my best friend did that. I'd be disappointed and even mad at her.

This problem wouldn't have occurred if they synchronously told me something important. I could see their reaction to see if they were being serious or not, I could comfort them if it was bad, or hug them when it was really exciting!

Asynchronous can be a positive thing. If we couldn't make it to class because we were sick we didn't have to come in to let them know we could just e-mail the teacher without getting anyone sick.

These two situations can be perceived in different ways. People can prefer one over the other but personally I'd rather be one-on-one with someone. Asynchronous and synchronous can also be perceived differently. There's a thin line on what is what but both ways of contact is better than none at all.

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