Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Theater Space: Finished Product

After modding pretty much a good 90% of the original piece, i have now taken that old boring stage space and turned it around into something quite remarkable, if i do say so myself. The very fist thing i did was add some color and texture to the surfaces, it was too plain before. i messed around with he different textures and even threw in some translucent walls. then out of no where it hit me, why not make a concert main stage that is upside down? i sat there for a minute and worked out how exactly i would make that work. seeing as I'm a fan of body modification, the idea of human suspension as an art form came to mind. it was perfect and worked out great for my stage. So i hooked the band members to chains and suspended them from the stage "ceiling." now that i had the band, i needed fans so i threw in a bunch of people to make it look like a fun and exciting show. now i couldn't just have a stage floating in mid air so i came up with the idea to have it suspended via a helicopter. now i thought I was done but then i saw that something was missing. whats a good show without lights right? so i added a light rig to the stage and had lights going out into the crowd.

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