Saturday, October 16, 2010

the vast world one can get lost in.

so today driving towards home a strong feeling came over me to get home as fast as i could i was just tired and needed a break. so like sometimes people do i put the medal to the pedal and made my way through. i was going about 50 when a lady in a mercedes decides less than 100 feet to turn in front of me. i decided this action deserved a honk and a long one so i gave it to her. i mean i'm a girl to but some females have NO sense and can't be given a license. anyways i continued and the man driving next to her at that point decided that he wanted to be a total pain in my butt and harass me. so he start raod bulling me by blocking my way and driving riduculously slow. i was so angry and then he has the nerve to drive in front of me and wave his freakin hand at me in his rear view mirror. i wanted to hurt that man or do something to him to ruin his life. on top of that he starts giving me the finger and i just couldn't take it anymore seriously. so he continued to make my way a hassle for the rest of my ride home.
anyways since this happened to me i keep thinking about it and asking myself why? why did he do such a thing? why? why are people bad? what did he get out of harassing me? why did he harass me? so i came home and told my mom and she thinks it's because i wear a scarf and i'm different but still why would he do that? i don't get it, the man was also a minority he was also african american didn't he know what it is like to be a victim of someone else's hatred. why would he pass it on to the next person. i don't really understand it.

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