Saturday, October 16, 2010

Crazy Semiotic Squaresss!!! In Onibaba

Semiotic Square In Onibaba
Manly ------------------------Womanly
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To be manly is to die with honor, fight in the army for the beliefs of the people or dye trying, provide for your family. This is a quality that most of the Samurais had, as well as the husband of the younder woman.
To be womanly is to be helpless without a man. No characters showed this quality
To be not-womanly is to be able to live without a man. To kill men. This quality is shown in the two main woman characters
To be not-manly is too flee from battle, to need a woman to help you survive. This quality is shown in the young womens new love interest.

I feel that because of this, the young woman and man were perfect for eachother. While a manly individual should marry a womanly indivdual. I feel that a Not-manly individual should be with a Not-womanly individual. This flip on society is what made the movie so great and worthwhile.

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