Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cursing is Manly

I assume when people think of whats manly they think of the stereotypical tough guy in an old mobster movie or something. Like as if being manly includes being tough, rash, cursing and smoking a big cigar, having a gun or something. Why is it that being "manly" means being stupid and uncivilized. I don't think anyone ever sees a stereotypical gay guy and goes, "wow he is pretty manly." No offence and besides I am talking about stereotypes I really don't mean to classify anyone as actually fitting into any a hundred percent. My father is salvadorian and is an immigrant, coming over to America when he was 19 years old. And like most people he has very strong beliefs in his customs of his homeland. When I got an ear piercing he called me gay for like weeks. I died my hair blonde once and he called me gay for weeks. To him, to be gay was so unmanly. Not that I am gay, but I am just trying to explain how he felt dying my hair or getting an ear piercing were so unmanly. So I asked him once if I actually was gay would he go to my wedding and he said no. I kinda just went off on a tagent, but whatever, people can be so f*cked up.

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