Sunday, October 3, 2010


> So yeah remember in my last blog i was telling you all that i auditioned for the dance team in what not well to make a long story short i did not make it. They wanted me to come back for a second audition, with the lazy attitude i had i told them no i really didn't want to come back again. i didn't even like it in the first place so what makes you think i would like to go back and feel uncomfortable again, i told them they could base there decision off when i came in on Tuesday. I am guessing that is what they did, the next day they called me and told me i did not make it and to come try out next semester ha!!!. To tell you the truth i wasn't even mad about it usually i would get angry and act salty to the members of the team and what not. I guess that just proves that i am growing up a bit it is no need for that i know i did not show my full potential during the auditions so why should i get made at the result. But as of next semester goes i will not audition i feel as if I'm getting kind of old to be trying to join some dance team i am about to be out of here so i need to have my priorities together before anything else.\\

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