Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The other day Professor Baldwin mentioned how dreams lay down the framework for our minds and subconsciously help us sort our our problems. After that discussion I attempted to go home and read for my poly sci class, and naturally fell asleep. The dream that I had was literally the weirdest dream I've had in quite some time (that I could actually remember.) Literally everything I've been stressing out about lately whether big or small issues was somehow incorporated into this dream, although it wasn't blatant and took some time thinking in order to realize this. My dream metaphorically represented all my fears and worries that I had been supressing for weeks. Basically it was me (for some reason alone) drinking, finding myself unable to really control my body because someone put something into my drink, stumbling around unfamiliar locations looking for help. I specifically remember in the dream falling in front of a store, looking in and seeing one of my friends working there and laughing,waving to me but not coming out to help me in any way before wandering away from my view into the back of the store. Thinking about it later, I believe that was my mind playing out the fact that I've been upset lately because I've felt like some of my friends were being selfish, uncaring and pretty much just ....asses. I've felt like we were drifting, and I guess my dream decided to show me that. In my opinion me being "drugged" was just an example of how it feels like my life is slightly out of my control from all the stress of schoolwork, family problems, and work. In the dream I literally couldn't stand straight or walk, my body was a total mess and unable to function normally. There were many other representative things thrown in subtly, it just amazed me how realistic everything seemed and how clear the meanings were when I awoke. I actually checked my legs for scrapes or cuts since the dream cuts felt so real. I've never really thought about what my dreams meant before, I guess with all the stress my brain was just screaming at me to sort this all out somehow. I think I'm going to start writing down the dreams that I can remember as soon as I wake up, maybe it can give me some clarity.

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