Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hamlet the Game

So I'm really excited for the games that we will be playing and performing in class because it is based on Hamlet. I think the games that were shown in class were really interesting and I am eager to see more. It seems the you can be able to do anything with that program, and shoot anyone you want. I can see many interesting scenes be played in the game. Scenes such as the play within the play, the graveyard scene, and all of the opportunities that Hamlet has had to kill Claudius. We can reenact the scene where Claudius is saying a prayer when Hamlet is about to kill him, but instead withdraws and makes an excuse that he can't kill any one when they are saying a prayer because it will only send them to heaven. I wonder what would've happened if he did not procrastinate and just killed him then and there.

We can make a game based on Hamlet's chase on Claudius. We can make up our own plot and see how long it really should have taken Hamlet to kill Claudius disregarding all of his distractions and procrastinations. Then we can compare it to the original play itself. Or we can put all of the characters in the game and use them as obstacles, almost like guards, to get to Claudius and see if we can kill Claudius without having to kill any one else such as Ophelia and Laertes in the process like in the original play. I think that would be interesting. There are so many possibilities to put the play of Hamlet in game form. I can only wait to see what we're actually going to do in class. :)

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