Sunday, October 3, 2010

using your resources

Using your resources, it has come to my understanding that a lot Stony Brook students are not using all of these resources that campus supplies us with to make our lives somewhat easier. I decided to write this blog because a classmate of mine asked me last week “Deron where is client support I need my computer to be registered”. I was in total disbelief at the fact we have been in this school for nearly three years and you do not know where the client support is. This is what brought me to sit down and write this article about using our resources. I know for a fact that a lot of stony brook students do not know what they are paying for, people be thinking that things on this campus is free such as transportation, client support the programs, when in all reality we pay for every single thing. We need to take advantage for our expenses because they are expensive. Just in case you don’t know here it goes athletic fee is 239, so these gyms that surround us we need to start taking advantage of them it has been to many times I walk by the SAC and other parts around campus and no body be in the gym we need to because we pay for. Next up we have our Infirmary Fee 138$, yes the clinic/ health center that’s located near H quad that’s a another resource people do not take advantage on to many people run over to the stony brook hospital when there is clearly a clinic on campus that could clear up your cough with a simple cough drop. 199$ for a technology fee which is the client support they do it all to installing software to fixing parts on your laptop. 121$ for a transportation fee which are all of those buses that go around campus I know for a fact that anytime I see a buss I go right on it, why not I ask my self I pay for it might as well use it. A college fee of 12$ and what does that fee for I really have no idea about that one, last up we have our student activity fee and this fee to me is most important and I feel that students don’t know what this fee does. This is the fee that pays for the things that go around campus it sponsors majority if not all of the clubs and organizations on campus. A lot of people complain that there isn’t enough to do on campus but there really is it is over 300 clubs on campus so there has to be something for you and if there isn’t which I highly doubt you have the opportunity to create your own club. I just express that we have get involved it is to much to do on this campus to many things to get involved in to say campus life is dead when the truth is a lot of people just don’t have a positive attitude and are not committed to making there experience here epic.

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