Sunday, October 3, 2010

Society's Rules in Relationships

Society tells us that the female in a relationship should be younger than the male. Why do people feel this way? Is it because people view male figures to be the one in control of the relationship? Just because their physical appearance seems more superior than a woman's? We grew up in a society that men are the "head of the pack", the ones who "wear the pants" in the relationship. Just the term "wearing the pants" in a relationship refers to the female as a male figure. Why is it normal for the male in the relationship to be the head of the house but when the female is everyones like "oooo, you're whipped". But going back to the subject of age difference in relationships, I think women feel safer with older men because they say women mature faster than men. So in that case, women go for men on their maturity level. Or maybe this is just a myth. Who really knows.

I believe that in Oedipus' case, he had married his mother, an older women, because society back then did not base their relationships on age. Most of the relationships are based on class. Poor with poor, rich with rich, royalty with royalty. So how did society's rules change from class to age? I personally believe that age is nothing but the number of days you lived on earth. Love has nothing to do with it. My parents are 12 years apart and I know many that are doing the same. I'm sure many agree with me on this, so why do we still say no we will never date a guy that is younger than us or a woman that is older than them? It's because society judges us and most of us follow it.

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