Saturday, October 16, 2010

Orgasm in Lit & Life

The other day in class the professor showed up a chart of sexual stages. He said that the stages were very similar to the stages in a play. With the orgasm being a large part of the story and they most exciting part of the story. The "orgasm" in Hamlet would be the fight scene in act five. From there the story goes down hill. The "orgasm" in Oedipus is when Oedipus first discovers the truth about the death of his father and his marriage to his mother. The "orgasm" in Onibaba exists when the old lady scares the younger lady with the samurai mask. Not only do the orgasms exist in stories but they also exist in real life. Not to sound like a total guy but when in a relationship there comes a point where the relationship reaches its peak after which it all goes downhil. Obviously no life is just orgasms, one needs the whole story ncluding the rising action, plateu, and falling action as well. Everythng has its peak after which it all goes down hill. Look at any sports player, for example Michael Jordan. They have a career that starts out mediorce. Then at somepoint they reach a top level, their "orgasm". They dont end their career at its peak. They usually end their career during its falling action. I would describe the "orgasm" in Michael Jordan's career when he played with a flu with 102 fever and still was the best player on the court.

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