Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hamlets Video Game

If Hamlet were to be a video game it would be a bit of a complicated one because there are so many things going on throughout the story. It would obviously start out with the ghost appearing to Hamlet and giving him his "mission" which is to kill his uncle. But one of the goals in the movie is to first figure out if the uncle actually did it. You would then have to recruit other people to help you as well in order to find the truth. On your side would be Horatio who helps you with everything. One of the main scenes in the game would be the play within the play where Hamlet has actors play out his fathers death and we see King Claudius' reaction to it. You would also see the part where Claudius is confessing in prayer and asking for forgiveness for what he did to his brother.

The game would get more complicated when other issues from the story come into play. For example when Ophelia comes to give Hamlet all his letters back, he then thinks that she doesn't want him anymore so he tells her that he doesn't love her either. Then he kills Polonius and hides the body. When Ophelia discovers that her father is dead she goes crazy and kills herself. One other thing that would have to be in the game is when his mother Gertrude and Claudius send Hamlet to England and Hamlet finds that letter that Rosencrtantz and Guildenstern have telling the king of england to kill Hamlet. You would have to do something to find the letter, write a new one and replace it with the old one in a certain amount of time or you lose the game.

Of course Hamlet wouldnt be Hamlet if you didnt have some of his famous speeches. The most important being the "To be or not to be" speech where he contemplates on whether its better to live and suffer the cruelties of life or to end your life and go into the unknown world of death. He says that people are cowards and would rather live than go into something they know nothing about because for all they know, whatever awaits them after death could be worse that what they are living now.

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