Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Polar Pulchritude

A very interesting bit of information from the National Academy of Science was published yesterday-- using magnets on the brain can now switch a right-handed person into a lefty. As Dvice.com notes,

"We know that most people are right-handed and tend to choose their right hand to perform tasks. But what if they were suddenly conflicted and chose the left instead? That's where the magnets come in. Just apply some transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the brain and presto! A new lefty is born.

Don't be alarmed, this is actually a good thing. Especially for people who may have lost control of their dominant side in a stroke or other injury."

Although their primary boast in this success is to help people with new disabilities to their dominant arm, this innovation is beautiful in so many more ways. As anyone who has taken a basic Psychology course knows, the corpus callosum connecting the two sides of the brain makes cross-wiring possible in terms of functions. In other words, the left hand is governed by the right side of the brain while the right is likewise controlled by the left side of the brain. What does this mean? Well, right-handed people think mostly with their left brain, and vice versa; because these two sides specialize in different methods of thinking, would switching the dominant hand lead someone into another lifestyle because of the way they handle things? If so, would it eventually make an impression on someone's overall personality? Will people even notice if they're thinking more imaginatively or logically and chronologically, or will a change come gradually? It's clear that technology of this caliber and of this kind are fairly new (and thus far harmless), so the only thing left to do is speculate and wonder until observations can be made.

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