Saturday, October 16, 2010

Woman's Intuition + Car Accident

I really wonder if there's such a thing as woman's intuition. I think sometimes I just feel somethings going to happen and lucky me... it happens. Sadly, it's usually not good things but I try. If anyone has accurate woman's intuition my mother does.

A couple days ago I found out my boyfriend got into a car accident and he was in the hospital. He hit a pole when it was raining and thankfully he was wearing his seat belt because he doesn't like wearing it. Earlier this week I just had a strange feeling that something wasn't quite right and something bad was going to happen. Lo and behold, I got the news about the car accident. He usually speeds down this road and doesn't like wearing a seat belt so it could have been so much worse and I'm terrified.

I've had these kind of "bad feelings" before and I just go with it and pay attention. Ultimately I avoid whatever it was made me feel uneasy. It sucks sometimes but I guess I'm superstitious and it's not worth the risk.

I wonder if woman's intuition really exists. I've done some research on the subject and apparently you're supposed to just trust it and go with it to make it stronger and more reliable. Obviously you can't prove it exists but too many things have happened for it to just be coincidental. As for the car accident, I'm really scared. At least he's out of the hospital but we're still pretty shaken up.

I think this is post #26... I hope I'm right.

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