Sunday, October 10, 2010


I've been working on my sketchup museum and noticed a problem, when I try to do the add scene function to create the movie effect of looking around and then export it to quicktime- the images come out all distorted and unfocused. I'm not sure how to fix this or what to do about this problem. I've worked really hard to create my museum, using walls from the Guggenheim, a mansion, and a church building- even though I'm Jewish and we have nothing to do with churches, I just really loved the way one wall looked. The structure may look a little weird and unconventional, but so is my family in many respects. I'm not trying to create the perfect structure, just one that I find relates to my narrative of my family photos. Does anyone know how to fix the movie problem so that I can upload it to here without it looking all weird? In the meantime, here's some pictures of what it looks like so far.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, about your issue with sketchup, it's probably the resolution. When you go to File > Export > Animation, before you save there's an options button. There you can set the resolution - Width & Height. For us should be around at least 640 x 480 or higher & framerate of at least 24. Good luck!
