Saturday, October 16, 2010

Police and traffic ticket

One day I was driving on Northern Parkway heading to the city. It was about 11am on sunny day on May. I was listening radio and following a car ahead of me meanwhile I didn't relize that I was driving at 83 miles an hour. Suddenly and unluckily, the police pulled me over. It was the first time IN MY LIFE that I got a traffic ticket. There are like 50 cars speeding same as me and I am the only one pulled over:( The cop was state police and I don't want to put his name here because he was so mean. I gave him my registration and license and waited for 3 minutes. He gave a traffic ticket. I had NO IDEA what this paper was and how to solve problems with fine and points. Finally, I went to the lawyer and he couldn't guarantee for winning the court trial.
I'm still waiting for the final decision since my lawyer postponed it to december. Whoever drinving on Northern Parkway, be aware!!!

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