Sunday, September 26, 2010

Facebook Self

Who is the Facebook self? Facebook is supposed to be a social networking site, putting yourself out there online on your own personal page filled with your interests, photos, etc. But does Facebook accurately represent who we are?
My Facebook self is myself. It's pictures of me from my real life. It's pictures of my boyfriend, my family and myself. I choose who and what I want to be when I want to be it. I can be sexy with some of my pictures and just me with others. I don't have hundreds of friends on Facebook. I have 160 friends. Periodically I go through them and get rid of people who aren't really my friends. I have to go through my Facebook friends soon so that I can get rid of people who aren't really my friends. I don't keep drama in my life for the fact that they are a waste of my time. If I don't like you, for the most part I will tell you. Or I will try to get to a place with you in which we can work together and deal with you. I am quite honest with people, but in the last few years I have calmed down with how mean I can be. I can keep a smile on my face more than ever and I know to keep my mouth shut around people who will backstab me. Facebook accurately represents some of us, but inaccurately represents others. Some girls are on there looking like whores with their boobs hanging out, and it can turn out that they really are whores. There are people on there acting like their lives are awesome when they're actually just trying to convince themselves that their lives are perfect. I think a lot of girls these days see sexuality as being grown up when it really is immature. Having your boobs hanging out online is immature and can have a lot of repercussions. Being mature is owning your sexuality and sharing it with only one person at a time. I think Facebook is helping to over sexualize today's youth.

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