Monday, September 27, 2010

This Weather

Its so confusing. one day its hot , one day its cold. can you make up your mind mother nature? one day im prepared for the cold and its hot outside, one day im prepared for heat and i'm shivering. is this a sign of global warming? i have no idea. but this needs to stop. the cold weather is so much easier to deal with. layers is easy. and if you get hot you can just take a layer off. but if your hot and your already half naked, what can you take off without being judged or arrested? this weather is also confusing the buildings. some buildings have the heat on and its hot outside so it makes the room humid. my professor let the class out early because more than half of us looked like we were going to pass out any minute. some rooms are freezing and i didn't bring a sweater because it was suppose to be hot out. i'm left rubbing my arms rather than taking notes. also i look like a dummy because i'm sweating all the time. i get hot easily so being layered plus humid weather, not a fun-fest.

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