Sunday, September 26, 2010

Depression kills.

Everybody experience things that are unpleasent to them from time to time. Some people would get over it easily; some people, on the other hand, would stuck there forever. Depression, according to wikipedia , defined as a metal disorder characterized by an all-encompassing low mood accompanied by low self-esteem and by loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities. Some people who have this illness because they have troubles with their personality, relationship, family, work or study. I have seen people suffering from depression and how this illness has affected their life. Some of the symptoms that those depressed person would show are constinuosly having a sad feel, feeling everything is worthless and hopeless, feeling irritiate easily and having thought of death. I have known people did horrible things to themselves and hurting themselves because of it.

I, personality, quit familiar with this illness. I have done a research about depression and I knew some of my friends on my own do have depression. I understand how they feel and I want to let them and whoever suffering from it know that there are always people around you who care and love you. It is hard to deal with it but it will pass. It may sound meaningless and nonsense for those of you. It is because you are feeling hopeless. It is one of the symptom of depression. You just have to truth and believe yourself and your strength. Nothing is worthier than your health and happiness. Ask for help if you need. People are here to help.

God bless those who are surviving.

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