Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Heart Korean Dramas (Part 1)

Sigh.. What is it about k-dramas that make me so addicted to them? Once I start watching a series, I can't seem to stop...
How is it that many of the k-dramas have similar story themes to each other but I keep watching them?

Do I watch k-dramas for the actors? For the story? Could it possibly be because I wish that my life was like the dramas that I watch? Possibly... It's possible that I wish my life was like the k-dramas. I wish, I wish... I wish. And then I dream.

I think I watch way too many dramas. My dreams are starting to resemble the dramas that I've watched!!! Is that even possible?!?!?! The guys, the storyline, the situations, and event he camera angles/shots are the same...

Could the scripts to the dramas be the dreams and the wishes of the authors that never came true? Do they write it because they think the story would sell or because they wished their lives were like the story? What makes a drama so much better than the life that we have now? Of course, besides the insanely good looking guys and I guess the really pretty girls... and the seemingly impossible situations... and the fact that the right guy is ALWAYS at the right place, at the right time...

Oh, to be the main character that has their knight in shining armour.

But I guess there is one good thing about watching these korean dramas...
My korean seems to get a bit better everytime I watch an episode. The website where I watch the dramas include english subtitles on the bottom of the screen so I end up reading the subtitles and listening to the actors and actresses at the same time.

Though this seems good, I don't think I could say it's totally awesome. As my korean gets better and better, my english seems to go downhill. =.=;;

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