Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I remember my freshman year, i was talking about how i was going to take advantage of the gym. I use to work in there too. i said i was going to work out every other day. sadly, that never happened. i would work out then stop after a week because i got lazy again. But I'm proud to say today, I've been doing a ritual workout for the past 3 weeks so far. Now i wanna work out. Like yesterday i was craving to go to the gym and work out. I never knew I'd get like this. I'm so proud of my self. I'm also proud of my friends for always following through with the workout plan. i try not to eat bad either. i eat at least 1 salad a day and a meal that has some type of carbs in it. i have no idea if that's good but i know too much of something isn't good so I'm evening it out.

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