Sunday, September 26, 2010

Second Life

I tried playing Second Life for the first time the other day. Downloading the client and creating my account took me less time than finishing my salad. I created my avatar - chose a name for her and picked her "initial" look. I then logged in. My avatar was transported to some tutorial island where I learned how to walk, interact with an object, fly, teleport, and talk to a parrot by saying "I want a kiss" (or something like that). And that's it; end of tutorial. No saying whatsoever on how to use the buttons on the right-hand side where you change your appearance, manage your friends, etc. I was thoroughly disappointed; the game just left a newbie like me to my own devices. And it didn't help that the internet connection on campus fluctuates - I tried teleporting more than 5 times but to no avail.

So what did I learn from the game? Nothing, besides getting confused by so many buttons and options on how to play the game effectively. I never even managed to meet a new "friend" since I couldn't get out of tutorial island. But of course, I wouldn't judge the game without knowing it better. I'd give it another try once I get a stable connection. As of now, however, it's not very appealing to me.

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