Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Am Hamlet

If I could relate myself to any character we have come across so far in class, it would be Hamlet. I'm not an alpha male, nor anywhere near royalty. I do not wish to avenge my father's death or believe that women should become nuns. But Hamlet's approach towards his father's revenge is one that we do not usually find in other plays. It is an approach that I probably would've taken if I were put in his shoes.

Revenge is usually act upon quickly because the revenger is eager to get back at whomever did them harm. Hamlet, however, takes his time in acting upon his "revenge". He continues to postpone his actions because he is not sure if it is the right time to take it. It seems like he is indecisive. He had chances to kill Claudius but he keeps making excuses to follow through with his plan. He stalls time by setting up the play, even though he is certain that it is Claudius that had murdered his father. I actually act the same way. I tend to make excuses and push my errands and duties to a later time. I always give myself excuses not to do something although I know I should do it and my excuse isn't really legit. Sometimes this causes me to not go through with my plan and I am constantly changing it. This problem also causes Hamlet's failure to act appropriately.

So Hamlet, I know how you feel.

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