Monday, September 27, 2010

GPA means everything.

As a college student, everyone should know what GPA stands for. It stands for grade point average. I personally do not have a very decent GPA grade. It is because I did not do well on my first semester in my freshman year. As a result, I have been trying so hard to raise my GPA since then. I only have two semesters left till I graduate and I have done the math already, I need ten more As in order to get a 3.5 GPA. That is so sad for me because it is impossible. I wish I could do better. Yet, it is too late. I would not be able to graduate with neither cum laude, non maga cum laude, non summa cum laude. However, that will not stop me from working hard.
On the other hand, GPA is important in a way that many companies see it as a measurement for their future employees. Some companies would not even accept applicants' application if their GPA is lower than a certain grade.

An advise for all freshmen, watch out for your GPA and do not think that you can recover it later on. It does not. It will only raise slowly and fall loudly.

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