Saturday, September 25, 2010


Does anyone know what made Jesus a holy figure? I can tell everybody that Jesus doesn't make himself a holy figure but people who warship and promote him completed this image as a god.

It is all about belief! If we believe in something eager enough, even it is not what we thought it was, it will become what we think it is... just like self-completing, fulfilling, comforting, etc.. (Self- interest)

If you have ever talked to a priest, what ever you asked him questions about Jesus and god, he can always give you an answer, which is not a matter if the answer is crazily abstract and non-sense.. because he believed in his answer, his thought, and his religious knowledge.

For instance, if you asked the priest, "where is the god"? His answer is "god is in, at anywhere, he is always with us.." What an answer!!!!! why is god so powerful & special then? Dust, air, germs are in, at anywhere too. Especially, people always say there are more than one god as different religions have their own one.

Moreover, The Vatican has made many mistakes in all these years. They used to accuse some ancient scientists, and mathematicians were evil introducing their new scientific founds, which is considered profane. These geniuses were convicted and sentenced to death by the Vatican in the past. Why do people still believe in a religion that killed intelligent people with false justifications? The Vatican has not apologized to their mistakes.

I blamed the Vatican somewhat. However, what I really want to say is "what is the truth is not as important as we thought" BUT "what people believe in is more important than the truth". Just like the business world, all the commercials on TV are not giving out the detail of what their products and services really are but the synthetic images of the products. Once you believe that product is what the company promoted, it no longer matters if the product itself is actually useless, unhealthy, harmful(until it is reported), and has its functions overstated.
All those zealous and exaggerating promotions of a particular object have only one goal, which is to make people "NOT to ASK but to BELIEVE in it".

Pay attention, you will find it is happening around us.

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