Tuesday, September 28, 2010

uncertainty of Hamlet

Uncertainty is a big part of Hamlet. We wonder if Hamlet actually saw his father as a ghost or even if his father knew how he died. This play is all based upon questioning. Should Hamlet fight Claudius to risk dying? The play really has a lot to do with modern life even though Shakespeare wrote this 400 years ago. It is the basis of our life when we make our decisions daily. When we wake up we have to figure out what to wear for the day because of the weather. During the day we have to figure out if we trust the people that you have spoken with.

In news literacy we did a project called, "Blackout." We basically had to live our lives without any outside media. We couldn't check the weather, internet, tv, or radio and had to live our daily lives without any outside information. Because we didn't have any outside media we were uncertain about mostly everything. This is how the play was written. Does Hamlet know about afterlife? Did Claudius really commit a crime? We will never know unless we have resources or bystanders. We take the world for granted when we know for certain what is going to happen next.

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