Tuesday, September 7, 2010


After walking out of last Wednesday's i realized that identity is something that can be defined but it changes everyday of life. What i mean by that is, us as in humans go though. For starters my name is Deron Lamell Hill named by aunt it comes from somewhere in the bible. I was born on September 11th 1990 right there when people hear that they automatically assume that am cursed with some bad luck. When thinking back on it i think that added to who i am today who i've become during my 19 years.
When i was younger i was never the one to be identified with color or race even though both side of my family are African American decent that never stopped me from reaching out and getting to know other people from other cultures and ethnicity's. From kindergarten i went to a majority Hispanic school where i must say i fitted in pretty well i was never that student that would get picked on because of the color of my skin so i never found that as a problem.
Family and experiences is another thing that makes up who i am it is certain things that i went though that made me into the person who i am right now. Now i can look back on those situations and even if they were for the worst or for the good i can say that it molding me into who i am today. High School was probably the place where i can say i found out he most about who i was. i discovered that i actually i had some sort of talent i started to dance in school well i formed a hip hop dance tea and we went around and won many competitions. I also figured out i had a passion for cooking. I went to a culinary high school in manhattan i had an internship at restaurant associates, which i really enjoyed if i did not get accepted into Stony Brook i probably would of just went to a culinary arts college.

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