Sunday, September 19, 2010

a not-so-fun sunday

It's 75 degrees outside. You can see people coming out of their dorms wearing their Stony Brook pride. Cars are arriving one-by-one. Something is playing in the stadium speakers. What else could it be other than a home game in the LaValle Stadium?

As I came out from my dorm to get my lunch, these were the things that greeted me. I thought how nice it would be to go out in this perfect weather and maybe even cheer for the men's soccer match. But I knew better. There were still things I needed to do before I could enjoy myself. Things that if left undone would prompt me to break my caffeine abstinence and result to sleepless nights.

I'm not gonna lie and say that THR isn't one of them (it's now one of the most time-consuming classes I have this semester). In fact I planned to hole myself within the four corners of my dorm room today and dedicate the day to catching up with THR work. It's not the most fun thing to do on a beautiful Sunday but hey, if I get to have fun later, what's a little sacrifice? Besides, working with SketchUp isn't so bad.

So starting with my blog a few hours ago, this would just be one of the [hopefully] many blogs I'll be posting today. Consider this a warning, heh.

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