Monday, September 20, 2010

Keeping Up With Current Events

Since I was a senior in high school, I would visit inside the main office and grab a copy of The New York Times. I apparently was one of the extremely few that would, because almost every other reader would get Newsday and turn immediately to the sports page. I knew for many years that a lot of the young generation today is not keeping up with current events, and when I say that, I mean reading several articles per day on what is happening with the world from respectable sources. When I came to Stony Brook, they used to have a free New York Times newspaper stand in the commuter lounge center in the library (apparently due to budget constraints, it is now gone). Anyway, I would notice that the entire stack would be gobbled up by 9 am and that just about everyone that took it was an Asian (I am being extremely serious). Now I cannot merely take this as a reliable statistic, since other people read the news online, but I do observe that when I speak to my Asian friends, they are more on top on current issues than my non-Asian friends...significantly... One plays games, two others could careless, and the rest don't know what is going on at all. I personally think that is the difference in upbringing of each culture, because I was raised in one that was political (Greeks are known to be that way), while others were raised in a fashion that didn't value it as much. In any case, I find the future to be disturbing because this generation will raise kids that will be more-or-less just as apathetic as them, and there needs to be a turn around before our population is even more unaware of the world. If anyone has a solution to this, I would be more than welcome to hear it, because at this point, I really don't see any...

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