Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Lebanon: The price of beauty

Over the summer i spent a month in Lebanon for vacation. Sightseeing and going to all the tourist attractions, there were a lot of things that i learned about the country. It is a beautiful country with a raging nightlife that seems to grow more and more popular each year, with amazing food and friendly people. Exploring Beirut, you would never know that this city and most of Lebanon has been through war for almost all of its existence. Civil wars and wars with other countries has turned it into ruins and rebuilt many times.

The statue of the Martyrs (picture to the left) was erected for the men who died during the attempts to seize independence around a hundred years ago. It is ironic how this statue is riddled with bullet holes and missing appendages which are the result of war.

Beirut is a city of plague because no matter how many times they try to rebuild it there will always be a past of violence and war that can be seen throughout the country. In some areas you may see beautiful buildings while on the otherhand u may see buildings that are abandoned because of war.
(Picture of a building full of bullet holes after the war of 2006 and previous wars. It has still yet to be renovated)

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