Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oedipus & fatal attraction

While I do think that incest is wrong I do believe that many people tend to look for certain features in their partners that they have previously seen in their parents. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing because if you think about how if a child witnesses an abusive relationship they are likely to have the same types of relationships as they get older. I guess it will always depend on the person. I cannot truly blame Oedipus because he found someone that loved him unconditionally and I think in a way we all want that... from our parents and also from our partners (should we so choose to have them). It's truly a tough call. I was reading through some other blogs and I came across some one who mentioned Freud and I personally do not like this guy (he thought all women had penis envy and I have to disagree, I'm extremely happy being a woman thanks). I took a class called intimate relationships last year (it was actually a really good class) and a study was mentioned that talked about how men and women "release" different scents and we are attracted to different ones and I really do not remember if it was that we were attracted to scents that are close to our own (i.e. smell like our father or mother) or that we were repulsed by them. So we would be attracted to close family members more than to random strangers? Biologically it would make sense that we would be repulsed by familiar scents because of inbreeding and I can get into genetics and whatnot... and chances of non viable offspring. I really don't know. I haven't seen or heard from my father in well over 15 years so I wouldn't know if I was attracted to men like him although I really really hope not.

But anyway, regarding the quote I believe the professor mentioned I think it's kind of sad how easily we can point fingers at others but God forbid we see our own flaws.

-Yekaterina Okouneva

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