Friday, September 17, 2010

The Purpose of Dressing Up


In my opinion, everybody is different and has a certain taste in basically all aspects ranging from clothes to food to friends and etc.(you get the idea) i believe we do the things we do and become what we sometimes become because someone is watching. for example when we leave the house in the morning we get dressed and look all spiffy for some reason. usually we are just trying to make ourselves look presentable to another person or gender. basically i decided to look at myself and evaluate why i dress the way i dress. after thinking long and hard i have come to the conclusion that i dress myself to make myself happy and comfortable in the world when i go out. i seldom think about what others might think or say when they see me. i think of it like this if i like a certain piece of clothing i will buy just because i like it not because it's the hottest fashion or whatever. for example the ugg craze that swept many mothers and daughters off their butts to go run and get them; i didn't like the way they looked or even functioned (if they got wet all hell would break loose, "ohhh my uggs they got wet now they're ruined" every girl would run around crying.) therefore i didn't buy them and become like the rest of the girls out there. i don't really know why i feel this way but most of the time i feel like I'm the only girl out there who doesn't care what others say or think about her fashion sense and the way she carries herself. is that really true? are all the girls out there trying to impress the guys or even other girls how totally fake they are? or can we live a normal life where we dress up to make ourselves happy?

for example, i wonder if the girl across the room is happy exposing her chest and thighs with the miny shorts she decided to buy first and then wear today? let me clarify HAPPY meaning comfortable that she will find a respectable husband or even boyfriend that will treat her well and be faithful to her if she's exposing herself like that to the world. how would he know that she won't go out and find another guy the same way she got him you know?
and sometimes when i see some of the girls hardly wearing anything i have the instinct to go ask them, "excuse me, are really comfortable in those short shorts or are you in pain when they ride up or are you constantly worried about them or even conscious about your legs and how they appear? i don't know really because these days the men wear a lot more conservative clothing than do the ladies why?

in my opinion ladies give them something to be curious about cover up something and let it be like a surprise. you they always say we are always interested in the things we are prohibited from having. this is why i believe the men are getting less and less trustworthy in relationships because they have temptation everywhere and the fun within one woman finishes so quickly because she gives too much in the first few looks.

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