Tuesday, September 7, 2010

You are your own monster...

What does that mean?
Is it a mythical creature?
A really ugly and deformed person?
A person so wicked and horrible?

It's such a vague and general term of something or someone.
It has so many definitions that solely rely on the circumstance the person or thing is in.

Take the characters from "Oedipus Rex", a play written by Sophocles, for example. Some of his characters are somewhat of a monster.

Oedipus not knowingly killed his birth father while in blinding wrath at what was told to be his fate. Then after slaying his biological father, he takes over the throne of Thebes and also unknowingly weds his biological mother. And of course, they probably had sex.

Jacosta, Oedipus' biological mother, on hearing that her son would be Laius', her husband, murderer, allowed Laius to send their baby away to a stranger in the mountains, striking the baby's heels with a sword.

Tiresias is described as to be "an old blind man in a prophet's robe, dark, unkempt, and sinister in appearance". (pg 17, vv. 297-299) Just by looking sinister and being a seer, Tiresias would be considered a monster as well.

But being a monster doesn't really have to be all that bad...
You can be someone that is good in something but in a monster-like way.

My friends all have something that they are really good in.

My good friend Batu is an international student who loves music and is a very talented DJ.
When you first look at him, he seems to be like any other music lover. But once he gets his hands on a mix board, its like looking at a whole new person. The music monster in him comes out and through his monster, Batu creates unique and awesome mixes.

Then there are my friends Charlie, Jimmy, Justine, and Hoi. I met all of them through playing volleyball at the sand courts between our dorm buildings. When they play volleyball, their monsters are coming out left and right. They get so aggressive and become so strong and swift that I get frightened at times. But of course, it's all for an awesome game of volleyball. Without it, volleyball would be so boring and dull.

For me, my monster comes out when I'm singing or baking. When I sing, sometimes I don't feel like myself. During the few minutes of the song, I'm the artist in the music video or the recording studio.

There is always something good and bad about being something.
And being a monster doesn't necessarily have mean something bad.
Being a monster means you are really good at doing something, whether it's playing a sport, some odd talent, or, heck, even making people cry.
You are your own monster.

SIDE NOTE: For the video... it was my first time making something like that, so sorry if I sort of went overboard with it. ^.^;;

Also, I couldn't really go out to the city this weekend, so I decided to use my friends for this.

If you are wondering why I am posting this so late at night (its actually 4:14am on Sept.7 right now...), or early in the morning (whatever floats your boat), it's because I took so long making the video... and also taking the pictures and video. Of course I ended up playing volleyball with my friends in the process.... :D

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