Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Attraction of a Mother

How stong is the attraction of a mother to their child. Many people say that it is one of the strongest things in the world. That the second a child is born, the mother grows this sixth sense that is tuned to her children. She is able to tell when something is wrong with them, when they dont feel well, when their lying, when theyre in trouble; even if they are no where near them. It's called a mothers intuition and almost all moms claim to have it. But as a child, we also have our own connection to our mothers that we dont have with anyone else. I guess you can call it "child's intuition." When I am around my mom I cant help but feel good and relaxed. Its like when I was little and couldn't sleep at night. I would call my mom and when she would stay with me, I would fall asleep in about 5 minutes. At first I never understood why this was until a long time later. What would happen was that since I was around my mother, I felt safe. I felt like as long as she was there nothing in the entire world could touch me. The same thing happens to me even today. I could be extremely upset to the point that I am crying. But then I sit on the couch with my mom and put my head on her lap while she comforts me. I cant help but feel better that she is there with me. I believe that this relates to Oedipus because it could have been that feeling that attracted Oedipus to his mother. When he was around her he had this feeling of being loved and this overall sense that he was safe from everything. Because he didn't actually know that Jocasta was his mother, he could have confused these feelings with one of a more physical attraction. Overall I believe that no one could possibly replace a persons mother. That is the one person that no matter what you do, how rich or poor, how pretty or ugly you are, will always love you in a way that no one will ever be able to love you. A mothers love is one of a kind and can never be duplicated.

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