Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Yesterday in class we were talking about binarism and this idea of two polar opposites. However, we didn't focus much on the extremes as much as we focused on the comparisons. We talked about the in between. How in life we focus on that as well and to some degree it is true. In society we say everything with moderation. We believe in two extremes and life is just about finding the healthy medium between two extremes. The common ground that binds us all. By finding the healthy medium we get the best of both worlds. We try to make due with a little bit of everything.
Even with this idea of the perfect combination, there still lies another way to look at the healthy medium. It can also be a gift and a curse because while we're experiencing more of one we're also experiencing less of the other, and that this can also be as much of a bad thing as it is good. There are two sides to every story and it is up to us to put things into perspective.

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