Sunday, September 19, 2010

Binary Love

Oh, to be almost 19 and to not have yet experienced love. There is the saying that says "It takes two to tango". But what if you've been tangoing solo for so long, that you forget that a partner exists somewhere out there?

To those that are in relationships or have been in many relationships, to be single means freedom. But to those who haven't been in one or who have been in just a few relationships, being single brings feelings of loneliness and heartache.

Everything comes in pairs or have a binary relationship with something else.
Love and Hate.
Man and Woman.
Parent and Child.
Life and Death.

When I try to think of something that isn't part of this system, I come up empty handed and end up with a headache.
Then I start to think about my "other half".
Who is he? Where is he? What is he like? When will I meet him? How will I meet him?
Of course I have my list of things of what I want him to be like.
But sometimes I wonder if making this list is worth it.
He could be someone totally opposite of what I think I want.
The other can be someone so obvious, yet I would not have never guessed it.

Maybe I just crave the idea of having this Korean Drama, tall, dark and handsome perfect guy. Its obvious that with all the things that I want to do, I literally have no time for a relationship with someone. But yet, I feel so jealous when I see my friends with their "other half" (for now) or couples hugging or holding hands. I crave for someone to be there for me when I'm feeling all sorts of things, and not just someone, but my someone.

Did Oedipus long for something to be there for him when he learned of his horrendous fate? Would he have longed for someone else if he was never made to marry her after killing the Sphinx? Would he have longed for his mother after she took her own life? Did he really believe that the woman he married, which turned out to be his mother, was his other half?

How do we know if we have met our other half? How will we know if he is the one? Am I supposed to suddenly see a vision of our old life together? Am I supposed to feel lost in love?

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