Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oedipus vs. Code 46

So I just finished watching Code 46 and I have to say it was a very interesting movie. Clearly using the mother-son relationship theme from Oedipus it also touched on many ethical problems in society. With the official on constant patrol and control over people’s interactions it makes living life a constant question. Like the crossroads, I asked myself is this a positive thing or a negative thing? By enforcing the code you prevent people from incestuous relationships and damaging the gene pool. But this may also result in a loss of democracy and human rights and cause a totalitarian like government control.
Another subtle similarity Between Oedipus and Code 46 was the sphinx. The sphinx in the play was a beast that was a danger to the town and anyone who couldn’t answer its riddle. The sphinx in the movie was this company that covers and smuggle documents. To me this symbolized a beast in itself because it was what the protagonist in the story was trying to bring down. And also it reminded me of a riddle because he was trying to discover who the fraud is.-J. Ramsey

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