Sunday, September 5, 2010

Oedipus - Blind spot

Blind Spot:
- (n) A subject about which a person is ignorant or prejudiced, or an occupation in which he or she is inefficient
- (n) An area or subject about which one is uninformed, prejudiced, or unappreciative
- (n) An area or facet of one's personality of which one remains ignorant or fails to gain understanding.

I've read Oedipus two years back in High School... every time i read this during play class, it sickens me to know a son having some incest with his own mother... I am just writing from the top of my head so I'm not really sure if this is going to make sense... theres a lot of I want to write about.. just that its not going to be happening & most likely not going to make any sense... According to, blind spot is to be identified as a person who can be ignorant or simply uninformed. A person who commit such actions without thinking or an an result, committing such action and not knowing what to do after when the truth was revealed to them. Based on the play Oedipus, if I'm not mistaken, Oedipus was abandoned by his parents after the parents found out from the prophecy that their son will grow up to murder the father. As orders were given to the servant by the king, the servant eventually gain pity for Oedipus and placed him in the lake as for survival. Throughout the play, Oedipus was then grown to live his life without his parents. Laius was then killed from a group of robbers and as in result, Oedipus was then the King of Thebes after solving a riddle of sphinx. Being the King of Thebes was not not easy for Oedipus when there were rumors about how the Thebes would suffer if the truth behind who killed the old King, Laius has not been revealed. As time goes, Oedipus eventually found out he was the killer. This shows the blind spot where Oedipus was completely ignorant and informed for his actions.If Oedipus did not wish to fulfill his prophecy then he would not have killed anyone that is old enough to be his father. Oedipus also shouldn't have slept with a woman that is old enough to be his mother. His blind spot was that he has too much pride in himself, he felt he was the smartest because he solved the riddle of the Sphinx. He also couldn't accept the fact when Tiresias told him that he killed his own father. Ignorant was revealed to Oedipus himself when he realized the truth was shown right in front of him due to his action in the past after he managed to have the old prophet Tiresias to report back to him about who really killed the old king. In final consideration, blind spot was shown when Oedipus did not know the truth that he had killed his father with his own bare hands and formed his own family with his own biological mother, Jocasta, yet not knowing what to do after the truth but to think of murdering his own mother and came to the conclusion where his mother commits suicide by hanging herself.

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