Thursday, September 16, 2010


It's hard to decide what to write about on this thing, usually I have SOOOO much to talk about. I guess I could just talk about what I did the past day or so. I went to a Zumba class last night with my best friend, can I tell you how hard those classes are?! I mean if you were to look in the window you'd be like oh, that's so easy, I can't believe they're sweating! NUH-UH! Granted I've been out of shape for a couple of months (I used to dance 6 days a week, 2 and a half hours every day) but it was difficult, I'm so sore!!

It was also Michael's birthday on Tuesday. I bought him a bunch of Green Lantern stuff, he LOOOOVES Green Lantern. Although, we're both not too crazy about the movie coming out. Why?:
1) Ryan Reynolds' costume looks like it's painted on.
2) Blake Lively... My celebrity twin, keeps taking my roles.
3) Sinestro looks ... not like a bad ass.

Know who is a bad ass? Michael's cat, Bowie. Yes, named after David Bowie. This cat is so strange, he's like a dog! He always comes to the door when we come home, he waits by the back door when he wants to go outside (even though we don't let him without us to watch him), he even plays fetch! But if he doesn't want to be pet, he'll turn into this vicious demon, most of our friends are afraid of him haha. I have always been a dog person, but cats are so strange and very interesting to watch. I love watching his ears, which direction they face based on the sounds around us, some things I don't even hear! I love when he stalks bugs, he doesn't kill them right away he just chases them and then eventually eats them. Woops, gotta go, first -- riddle me this.

Why do cats pee and poop in a box but throw up wherever they want?


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