Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Destiny/ Karma

Today as I was playing basketball, hustling and sweating like its a sauna, I was thinking about how the play Oedipus Rex and destiny or karma related to each other. Because I was reminicing about how two of my friend been having bad luck after they stole something awhile back. In class, we discussed about how Oedipus Rex dealt with destiny or karma because of how everything turned out at the end.

Oedipus's parents got what they deserved after abandoning Oedipus and pinning Oedipus' ankles together. Oedipus killed his father after randomly fighting him and Oedipus' mother, Jocasta, suicided by hanging herself. While Oedipus himself got punished by destiny because he killed his father,Laius, by gouging his eyes so he will be blind and banished from the city of Thebes.

While in reality present day, I believe both of my friends have been punished by destiny or karma after stealing from a person awhile ago. One of my friend, actually fell on his back while doing pull ups on the pull up bar because the pull up bar fell off of the door frame. Not only did he get hurt but he was also embarrassed while my other friend lost his wallet and injured his wrist in a weird, random way.

While walking back to my room after playing ball, I was amused how fate, destiny, and karma works. You never know, maybe it was just a coincidence that all of this happened but I believe in karma, destiny, and believe in the phrase "What comes around, goes around." Maybe all of us should start doing good, noble deeds so we will get good luck and not end up like my two friends or the Oedipus and his parents in the play.

-Thomas Lee

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