Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Does your families lineage and name directly represent how you will act and be percieved by society?

In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus’ grandfather was well cultured and well brought up as a child and in to his adulthood. It is clearly shown throughout the play that Oedipus is not well cultured, and not at all like Cadmus.

It is quite simple to see, but for those who needs clarity let me back track. Oedipus married his mother, Jocaste, and killed his father, Laius. Despicable right? At least I think so. Now, I was always one to think that if you came from a family who was well cultured, and had a respectable family name you would turn out alright. The more and more I think about it, I now see that is not entirely true.

We see it in Oedipus, and we also see it in our society. For instance, look at many princes and princesses in Europe. Their families have created a name for themselves and to be destroyed by the bad publicity they get in the tabloids. Whether it be partying the night away or committing a crime, they are always shown in a negative light. This directly goes against the high esteem that their families have created for themselves.

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